
Friday, January 13

What I'm Reading: The Magnolia League

It took me forever, but I finally finished The Magnolia League, and oh my goodness, guys, it was so good. Like Dreaming Anastasia, I picked this up at a Borders going out of business sale. To be perfectly honest, I was taking a chance. I had no idea if I would like this book, but as it turns out, I loved it.

The story follows Alex Lee, a hippie chick who grew up on an organic communal farm in California. When her mother dies in a tragic accident, she is forced to move to Savanna to live with her high-class grandmother. Alex's grandma wants her (actually, tells her) she must join the Magnolia League, the society group she runs. Alex is the opposite of debutante, and finds that there may be more than meets the eye when it comes to the League.

Are you interested yet? Okay, let me keep going. The dialogue is hilarious (I'm going to go back and write down all of the things Ms. Lee says), and that "more than meets the eye" may or may not have something to do with black hoodoo magic and not aging.

The only critique I have is that I felt it ended a little too suddenly. A new plot twist showed up in the last few chapters and it wasn't resolved. However, since there is a sequel, I'll let it slide... into the next book. 

Basically, you need to read this book. Even if you're not big on the fantasy genre, there is so much more involved in the novel that you won't mind. I totally and completely recommend this, and I am going to put a ton of Katie Crouch on my wish list.

Up next, The Hunger Games!

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